
Just another site

WordPress – Backing Up Your Database

Posted by belfashop on March 5, 2009

( sumber : )

Using phpMyAdmin

phpMyAdmin is the name of the program used to manipulate your database.

Information below has been tried and tested using phpMyAdmin versions 2.5.3, 2.5.7-pl1, and 2.6.1-pl3 running on Unix.

Backup Process with phpMyAdmin

  1. Log into phpMyAdmin on your server
  2. From the main login screen, select ‘Databases’
  3. Image:podz_backup_1.jpg

  4. Now click the name of your database – or your WordPress database if you have several databases.
  5. Image:podz_backup_2.jpg

  6. The next screen will show you all the tables inside your WordPress database.
    Ignore those, and click the ‘Export’ tab on the top set of tabs.
  7. Image:podz_backup_3.jpg

  8. Look at the left box at the top of the Export section. All the tables in the database you selected are in that box.
    • If you have other programs that use the database, then choose only those tables that correspond to your wordpress install. They will be the ones with that start with “wp_” or whatever ‘table_prefix’ you specified in your ‘wp-config.php’ file.
    • If you only have your WordPress blog installed, leave it as is (or click ‘Select All’ if you changed the selection)
    • Ensure that SQL is checked!
  9. Image:phpMyAdmin_backup_export.png

  10. The SQL section
    • ‘Structure’
    • ‘Add DROP TABLE’
    • ‘Add AUTO_INCREMENT’ and
    • ‘Enclose table and field names with backquotes’
  11. Tick the following boxes:

  12. The DATA section
  13. Leave the boxes inside this section unticked, but make sure to keep the checkbox next to the “DATA” heading checked.image:phpMyAdmin_backup_data.png

  14. Tick the ‘Save as file’ option, and leave the template name as is.
  15. Image:podz_backup_5.jpg

  16. Now click ‘Go’ and you should be prompted for a file to download. Save the file to your computer.
    Depending on the database size, this may take a few moments.
  17. You have now backed up your database.
  18. If you wanted, you could download a backup in each of the compression formats. Your choice. For example: None and “zipped“: Image:podz_backup_6.gif

    Remember – you have NOT backed up the files and folders – such as images – but all your posts and comments are now safe.

One Response to “WordPress – Backing Up Your Database”

  1. thank you

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